
A husbund of Five wives

A husbund of Five wives

Uroko Onoja is a rich Nigerian businessman and husband of six wives. Now he has died because of a marathon intercourse session with his wives. The wives have forced him to do intercourse without a restricted manner. These wives were jealous because he has lived with a young spouse having intercourse.One day morning he was caught by previous five wives and ordered to do intercourse them. These five wives are reported to have set upon him with knives and sticks. There for Uroko Onoja was having sex with the youngest of his spouses and demanded that he has intercourse with each of them too.Onoja went on to have intercourse with four of his wives in succession, and then he has stopped breathing.Just after this incident all five wives have run in to a forest.So far two women have been arrested while following for rest of them.

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